Classen Graduates as a 2019 Fellow of SECU-ALAP

Dr. Sherrilene Classen, who is a Provost-selected Fellow for the Southeastern Conference of Universities (SECU) Advanced Leadership Program for Academics and Professionals (ALAP), recently completed this one-year intensive leadership training.

Dr. Chris Hass, UF Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Sherrilene Classen photo
Dr. Chris Hass, UF Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Sherrilene Classen

Classen states that she has been exposed to some of the most dynamic leaders and leadership practices in the SECU and UF administration. She says, “I have learned so much about leadership practices in a research intensive university, and have a renewed appreciation for the incredible role that administrative leaders are demonstrating—every day!  Indeed, leadership is about crafting a dynamic and inspiring vision, instilling trust, aligning resources with people, and unleashing talent” – four competencies that she aspires to, always!