UF OT Presentations at FOTA 2021 Virtual Conference

Saturday, November 13

Student Poster

Effectiveness of Interoceptive Training Interventions in Decreasing Anxiousness and Worry

Audrey Anderson; Leah Knight; Jamie Kulik; Olivia Morand


Short Course

Educating and Shaping the Next Generation: How to Bridge the Communication Gap between Fieldwork Educators and their Students

Becky Piazza, OTD, MS, OTR/L, BCPR; Heidi Horwitz, MEd, OTD, OTR/L


Student Poster

Using Community-based Interventions for Adults with Mental Health Disorders at Risk For Homelessness

Sarah Mairs; Thaila Schug; Melinda Shaw; Leah Sink


Student Poster

A Review of the Effectiveness of Mirror Therapy on the Management of Phantom Limb Pain in Amputees

Rachel Narzissenfeld; Kelly Kolman; Velencia Munroe; Megan Peeples


Student Poster

Eccentric Exercise on Symptoms Reduction and Upper Extremity Function- Adults with Elbow Tendinopathy

Tori Alexander; Jordan Bradford; Meaghan Fitzpatrick; Samantha Witte


Student Poster

Effects of Evidence-Based Interventions within OT on Feeding Outcomes for Infants, Birth to 12 Months

Courtney Newell; Kaylin Cullinane; Laura Dolmovich; Kaylee Noon


Student Poster

Knowledge Needs for Bolstering Occupational Performance Expectations as College Students with LD/ADHD

Anushka Pandya; Michelle Waldman; Gerard Garvan; Rebecca Schachner; Mackenzi Slamka; Consuelo Kreider, PhD, OTR/L


Student Poster

Use of CBT In Lowering Rates of Suicidal Ideation In Adolescents Aged 7-19

Kaila Bibserstein; Mary Isiminger; Kristina Kobza; Kayla Ramos


Student Poster

Illustrative Case Studies of Process Used by Students with Learning/Attention Disorders in Understanding Disability-Related Knowledge for Themselves

Anya Klumpp; Kristina Kobza; Sharon Mburu; Consuelo Kreider, PhD, OTR/L


Short Course

Are They Ready? Evidence Based Transition Assessment

Jessica Kramer, PhD, OTR/L


Student Poster

Strategies for Meeting Holistic Needs of University Students with Learning Disabilities and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Michelle Waldman; Anushka Pandya; Emily Duenas; Sharon Medina; Consuelo Kreider, PhD, OTR/L

Sunday, November 14

Short Course

Project TEAM Problem solving barriers to participation

Jessica Kramer, PhD, OTR/L


Short Course

Understanding and Addressing Time Challenges and Impacts on Wellbeing for College and College-bound Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD

Consuelo Kreider, PhD, OTR/L; Mackenzi Slamka; Sharon Medina


Professional Poster

Inclusive Clinical Experiences through DEI and OT Education

Becky Piazza, OTD, MS, OTR/L, BCPR; Heidi Horwitz, MEd, OTD, OTR/L


Conversations that Matter

Student Occupational Therapy Association Officers Networking

Linda Struckmeyer, PhD, OTR/L; Madison Wallace; Karen Bruchs; Ye Lu