Chair from 1958-1976
Alice C. Jantzen, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Chair from 1976-1982
Lela A. Llorens, PhD
Chair from 1984-2000
Kay F. Walker, PhD, OTR/L
Dr. Walker is a Professor Emerita in the department. Dr. Walker retired after serving as chair of the OT department from 1984 to 2000. She was the founder and original director of the Distance Learning Masters program. Dr. Walker’s research interests included topics related to neuro-development and sensory functions in children.
Chair from 2000-2016
William C. Mann, PhD, OTR/L
Dr. Mann was a Distinguished Professor and Chair of Occupational Therapy, Director of the PhD Program in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Florida (UF), Director of the UF Center for Telehealth and Healthcare Communications, and Director of the Center of Innovation on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (CINDRR) at the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System, Gainesville, FL. Dr. Mann had over 35 years of experience in rehabilitation and community-based programs, spanning research, service and education, with a focus on applying technology to promote independence.