Facebook Post Submission Use this form to submit a request to post a story to the UF Occupational Therapy Facebook page.Please allow one week for review and approval. Step 1 of 4 - Submission Contact Info 25% Submission Contact InfoSubmitter's Name(Required) First Last Submitter's Email(Required)You must enter a @ufl.edu or @phhp.ufl.edu email address. Enter Email Confirm Email Submitting on behalf of Name(Optional) First Last Submitting on behalf of Email(Required)You must enter a @ufl.edu or @phhp.ufl.edu email address. Enter Email Confirm Email Publishing OptionsPublish Date(Required)Select the date that this post should first appear on the UF OT Facebook page. Should be at least one week from today. MM slash DD slash YYYY Facebook Post ContentRepost Existing Story I would like to repost an existing story. Existing Story URL(Required)Enter the link to the existing story. Affirmation of Permission to Post(Required) I have received verbal permission to post this information on Facebook from the individuals featured in the photo(s) and/or description submitted. Affirmation of De-identified Information(Required) I have not included any protected health information in this submission. Body Text(Required)Enter the body text for this Facebook post as plain text.Include Website URL(Optional) Enter the link to an applicable web page to share. Hashtag(s)(Optional) Enter one or more hashtags. Make this a Video Post I would like this post to feature a video. Path to Video File(Required) Video Filename(Required)Video files should be MP4 format. Primary Image Upload(Required)Upload an image in which you own the copyright or are otherwise licensed to use. Recommended aspect ratio is 16:9. Please ensure the image is rotated upright before upload.Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.Source of Primary Image(Required)Please disclose the source of the primary image uploaded. Primary Image Caption(Required)Enter a caption so users will understand the context if viewing the image in a Newsfeed, separate from the post. Additional Image(s) I would like to include additional image(s) to include in the post. HiddenAdditional Image(s) Upload(Required)Upload images to be used in this post. A maximum of two additional images may be uploaded. File size should be < 10 MB per each. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 2. Path to Additional Image(s)(Required)Provide a path to where additional images are stored. If using Sharepoint or other cloud service, be sure to grant appropriate permissions. It is recommended to create a unique folder containing only the images you would like used for this post. Please ensure all images are rotated upright. Source(s) of Additional Image(s)(Required)Please disclose the source(s) of the additional image(s) to be used. Additional Image(s) Caption(s)(Required)Enter a caption for each additional image so users will understand the context if viewing the image in a Newsfeed, separate from the post. Optional InformationAdditional Comments/Instructions(Optional)PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.