Dr. Classen Completed Six-Year Term as Editor-in-Chief of OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health

The journal experienced significant success over the past six years. Based on the performance metrics since 2014, OTJR continues its successful upward trajectory. OTJR has steadily raised its impact factor from 2016 – 0.795, 2017 – 1.000, 2018 – 1.234, 2019 – 1.220 and 2021 – the highest impact factor ever of 1.768. OTJR received a record number of submissions in 2020-2021. This is a reflection of the efficiency and teamwork of the editorial team and reviewers that will continue under the leadership of the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Tim Wolf.

Dr. Classen receives AOTF appreciation for completing 6 year-term as Editor-in-Chief of OTJR
AOTF In Appreciation to Sherrilene Classen, PhD, OTR/L for Dedicated and Exemplary Service as OTJR Editor-in-Chief 2015-2021